Thursday, May 17, 2007


PART 1: On the Outside

Me: Christian - that's the first name and not the brainless, ideologically unsound mythical rules for living in a real world.

Date of birth: 14th Sept

Current status: long term and short term b/f's, although one may be up for reclassification, right about now - I wrote this bit a few days ago, it's amazing how quickly things change, as I'm back in love with Man, today. Or does that just mean I'm fickle?

Eye color: hazel - depending on the day. Green with orange centres.

Hair color: shades of brown, depending on the distance from my last hair cut and the bottle of dye.

Right or left handed: right. Is that the hand we give with? Give money, give pleasure, give directions?

Zodiac: Virgo - Virgo 2 to be precise. Typically Virgo, too.

PART 2: On the Inside

My heritage: all of my grandparents were English, born frighteningly close together. Thank the universe for crap travel back then, or I could have been born with two heads or a penchant for my sister.

My fear: heights, lung cancer

My weakness: cigarettes, cakes, pastries, donuts.

My perfect pizza: seafood and artichoke

PART 3: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Your first thought waking up: I'm home on my own, I can blog with impunity - sad but true - before I have to leave.

Tomorrow: quitting smoking

Your bedtime: usually midnight, depending on how Big Brother Up Late is going

Most missed memory: my grandparents, great uncles and aunties. My wonderful father.

PART 4: Your Pick

Pepsi or Coke: Coke, if I had to choose, but neither really. I tend not to drink soft drinks. Now for coffee...

McD or Burger King: neither, unless I'm pissed or out of it and then it would be Maccas. But neither, really. I live in Fitzroy, there is just much better food.

Single or group dates: single, now a days, but group once. Now, I just want one set of eyes to concentrate on. One heart, one mind, one body.

Adidas or Nike: Adidas. It is no surprise to me that the Nike shop closed down in Melbourne, talk about crap service. My vintage Romes still get an outing from time to time.

Lipton Tea or Nestea: Nerada and lots of it if I've got marijuana to accompany it.

Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla, from a bean

Cappuccino or coffee: isn't that the same thing?

PART 5: Do You...?

Smoke: Yes

Curse: Jesus fuck me Christ the cunts are expensive

PART 6: In the Past Month, Have You...?

Drunk alcohol: a little, not too much socialising of late.

Gone to the mall: no, spare me. I hate shopping. I only do it if I really have to, under sufferance. Dodgy gay gene? Maybe?

Been on stage: no, not in the last month. Although, all of life is a stage.

Eaten sushi: yes. I haven't been able to eat it for the longest time, having overdosed on it last year.

PART 7: What Were You Doing...?

1 minute ago: blogging

1 hour ago: blogging

4 1/2 hours ago: sleeping, dreaming of Zorbs and the swarthy, auburn-haired, Prince Zebulon - with his thick tighs and his sexy smile.

1 month ago: you can read for yourself

1 year ago: Oh, you know, wondering when I'm actually going to get my life together to stop blogging and finish off all those short stories and novels that I have half written.

PART 8: Finish the Sentence

I love: my boyfriends, my friends, travelling the world, old cars, old houses, old things, people (some), tat, my cat, beautiful sunny winters days, real coffee ground fresh from beans and lemon slice, which is what I'm consuming as I complete this.

I feel: I have to embrace Manny and make him my own, love him more and criticise him less.

I hate: John Howard, religion, stupid things that don't need to happen, like knocking over my coffee.

I hide: nothing, usually. This blog.

I miss: my multi million dollar trust fund

I need: a little peace and quiet to get some real writing done.

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