Monday, June 11, 2007

It's All Over Now Brown Cow

I feel wrecked, alarmingly so. Every time I stand up I get bad head spins. Every thing seems to hurt. I can't believe it is already Monday, just about, I groan at that idea.

Apparently, I got really out of it in the end, for the last, oh shall we say, few hours. (nervous smile) Tom filled me in, with glee. I have to conclude that a club/dancing regimen is too strong for a lounge room get together. And then people were still giving me pills. Couldn't they see what state I was in? Were they mad?

Tom even did. I remembered that.

"Oh, I just wanted to see if you could get any messier than you already were. And you did. Perry gave you one just because he was giving everybody one."

So two over my prescribed number, any fucken wonder I was a space cadet.

"Nothing awful happened," said Tom. "You didn't play with yourself in front of everyone, nor did you hit on anyone, you know, sleazily."

"Well, I'm glad about that." Not having considered that I would have done either of those things, until then. "And R @ S had it out, which kind of took the heat off you nicely." R @ S have deep seated animosity, going back years.

"I didn't hear any of that." And I didn't.

"It was in the front room," said Tom. "But they were still going each other, animatedly." Tom dropped his voice a little. "They both just got angry and left, pretty much soon after that."

"I think I wanted to leave for the previous few hours before I did," I said. "But I couldn't get it together to do so." That was the best I could do. I had twelve hours of party and seven hours worth of memories.

"I know how that feels," said Tom.

"So R & S, hey?" I said

"After R avoiding S, skilfully, for the first half of the evening, S then hugged R from behind, waiting an inordinate amount of time before speaking. Aren't you going to say hello to me?"

"Oh, that's just creepy," I said. "With their history."

"Upon hearing S's voice, realising he was being hugged by the devil, herself, R exploded. At one point I was ready to dive in between them, because I really thought R was going to hit her."

"Oh great," I said. "I always miss the good stuff."

"Well, it made any thing you did," said Tom. "Look kind of charming, in comparison."

And, apparently, Warren was in the other front room letting the two bears touch his hard on. Apparently, one of the bears boasted about the smell of Warren's foreskin on his fingers, as he left. So there you go. I was too out of it and missed all of it.

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Gabriel said...
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