It's funny how the much maligned political correctness has now infiltrated our everyday psyche. It was once a tool to teach the stupid people not to call black people niggers or chairman chairman when the position is occupied by a woman. Back then, those relatively logical changes caused rednecks and sexists amongst us to say "political correctness gone mad" every time they were pulled up for their unacceptable references/phrases.
But, now, in these much more conservative times where the conservatives and the Christians (You do know that Family Groups are just religious groups trying to keep their dirty little secret secret) have infiltrated our ranks like the aids virus at a bareback gangbang, where we can't say anything about anybody any longer that isn't beige and non-threatening, non-sexist, non-anything, nobody is making comment at all. Political correctness has become the norm.
It's now shocking to show somebody with a cigarette in their hand, apparently.
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