"There's a lot of promiscuity in the gay community. I don't understand why they take that civil union. How low is their self-esteem?
One's on Hampstead Heath meeting men, the other one's hiring rent boys. Surely marriage is throwing anchor and saying, 'This is where I'm staying, I've made my choice and this is all I want because I've been on the up and down escalator, through the revolving door and I want to stand still.' That's what I expected."
Pete Burns
You know, the only thing I think gay marriage is effectively going to give us is gay divorce. Let's work on equality, not some tired old paradigm that has been proven not to work for all of those who have been, lucky, enough to enjoy its benefits.
Personally, I think we'd be better off if we took all of that energy and put it into safe schools and gay teenager suicide, then the world would, probably, be a better place. I think that would make a difference.
Not that I've heard any credible argument against gay marriage, you know, if that's what someone wants to do, of course. Don't get me wrong. Get married, if that's what your heart tells you. Why not?
I'm ambivalent about gay marriage too. Like you I think equality of treatment is the more important issue.
Like it's worked so well for straight people?
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