Monday, May 23, 2011

Day off... Gotta Get Stuff Done

 Sam had left at 7.45, grabbing both my cheeks between his pointy fingers, eye-balling me with his face centimetres from mine, saying good bye with a mock-whinge that he had to go to work.

"Poor poor me," he said. "Off to work..."

"Bye babe." Snuggle, snuggle.

Fingers to my cheeks again. "Are you comfortable?"

He makes me smile. I lay there with a grin on my face, as I watched him exit the room, watched the bedroom door close with one eye open until, well, until that eye closed again and I nodded off.

I woke two hours later. Exhausted, I thought, as I stepped one foot from the bed. Amused, wondering what Sam would think. I stood giddy, wrapped in my dressing gown, thanking the universe it was Monday.

Two big slugs of coffee and then I had the day in front of me. Lovely.

I'd turned my computer on, natch and was going to do the Internet thing to ease into the day, you know, as you do. Ah, 9.45 and all is well.

I had to organise some more work, 3 days to 5, it's time. I'm not writing anything, I'm just pissing the time away. I laugh when Sam calls me lazy Christian. "I can't believe that you still haven't organised that yet!"

He can't believe that I'm not all enthusiastic about increasing my work days from 3 to 5. Can't understand it. "What is wrong with you?" he says.

That makes me laugh too.

I friend sent me the details of a job going at her law firm. She sent me the HR contact and all the details. I thought about it, I did. Really.

I had to pay some bills. And I had to get up and chop some creeper down from the side wall of the house, as it was growing into the guttering big time.


The rain fell.

I did nothing, I guess you could see that coming. I just pissed the day away. Oh, I did the creeper thing, I cut it all down, so the day wasn't a complete loss.

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