Friday, September 09, 2011

My Birthday

My friends are trying to organise a birthday dinner for me, despite me saying that I don't want one. They are going ahead and doing it anyway, so I hear along the grapevine.


What does one have to say to make them listen?

I just don't feel like celebrating, at the moment. I don't feel like I have any thing to celebrate... but they won't listen... apparently.

Sam was surprised when I sent him the following email...

I could meet you after work, we could go to the movies and then we could go out for dinner afterwards. I could hide my car in a hiding spot before I leave and then we could get it and I could drive you home to your place. That would fix it. (smile)

What do you think?

Good idea?

Good plan?

His response was...

Oh Baby,

They love you :)

Babe.. baby.. baby…

You think to much… too much plan, plan plan plan

Hmmmm? I think Sam's implication is that I have too much time on my hands. What to do? Why won't people listen? That's my question. If it is my birthday, surely it should be what I want? Don't you think?


Adaptive Radiation said...

Oh Christian, don't be so God Damn selfish! Just let your friends celebrate with you.

Happy Birthday!

FletcherBeaver said...

Well... what was going to be a dinner for me and my best mate Anthony, who has a birthday four days after mine, has turned into a party for twenty, or so, people... so, I guess they won.