Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting Towards the End

Mark and Luke were up early.

I drank coffee and smoked two joints with LouLou before I did anything. It was after 10am.

I took more photos.

We empty the cottage of all its furniture. LouLou comes to help and cleans the cottage to within an inch of its life, I’m not sure why? Then Mark told me later that the new couple’s fourteen year old daughter is going to use it.

I went and bought hamburgers. Our diet deteriorates in exact proportion to the time Mark and Luke have left.

LouLou stays, she is great with the marijuana supply.

LouLou had a very small portion of food, which I noticed she hardly ate any of.

Mark and Luke sleep in the house from today, as their bed from the cottage has been packed.

I clean up around the back of the vegi garden. And take photos. I like raking, it is gentle and smooth and I am my own boss. It also some how makes it all feel as though it is all normal.

We clean out the shipping container. Stoves. Furniture. Tables.

I make toasted sandwiches.

Rob, from Luke’s restaurant, comes to visit, to say goodbye and look sad. He tells Luke he doesn’t know what he is going to do without him.

We are getting towards the end. I spent the afternoon moving furniture from outside the cottage to the barn.  

I collect the remaining four speakers from the cottage. They are too heavy and break the weld on the trailer, which attaches the tipping tray to the frame. The original clasp had broken some time previously and now the repair weld to the broken clasp had broken. Mark has to wire it back together.

I’m stopping for tea and marijuana breaks every two hours, I would hesitate a guess.

We ate chicken dinners that Luke got and sat up and watched teli, exhausted.

LouLou brings her mull bowl out and says help yourself, which, of course, I do. Luke too. The two pot heads to the end.


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