Thursday, August 02, 2012

Baking Thursday

I'm going to make myself Apple Tarte Tatin... just because. An old movie, a bit of baking... what's not to like. Shrug. The afternoon slips away.

I tried to make it the other night for Sam. Grimace. He just kind of pushed his plate away and talked about something else.

Okay, I knew it was burnt, I did. I don't know what I thought he was going to do? Anyway. I'm going to give it another go.

I have to go get some lunch anyway. So, I might as well buy some golden delicious apples and give it another try.

You know, I probably should have been a chef, it was what I used to do on the weekends as a teenager, cook cakes for pleasure. And they couldn't tell I was gay? How many straight boys stay home on the weekends and bake cakes?

I should have been a chef? I should have been a writer? A lot of should-have-beens?

I should have been an architect? I should have been an artist?


Adaptive Radiation said...

You should audition for the next master chef.

FletcherBeaver said...

He, he, he