Sunday, November 09, 2014

Vodafone, Always Great

Sam and I walked into the city to eat Ramen in Lonsdale Street for lunch. It was a beautiful day, the sun shone, the sky was blue. The Ramen was great, we were full afterwards.

After lunch, we headed to Vodafone to enquire as to when my current phone contract expires. I keep trying to get away from Vodafone and I keep getting dragged back. Each provider I have gone with has ended up being bought by Vodafone. And Vodafone deals are more expensive and the last time I was with them, when 3 changed to Vodafone they suddenly tried to charge me huge roaming fees, when my usage had clearly never changed. Vodafone also tried to charge me an exit fee when clearly I had paid my twenty four payments and my contract was up. I have several providers with better deals lined up to join, I just need to find out when my Vodafone contract ends. You'd think that would be simple.

The first Vodafone office said I was no longer under contract to Vodafone, I was no longer under contract when I came back to Vodafone. I knew this wasn't right, I knew that when I transferred over from Crazy Johns, which was mid September, my contact had until, something like, mid November to run.

The second Vodafone office told me that my contract expires November 29th, and that I couldn't renew my plan, with anybody, Vodafone included,  until after this date. This didn’t seem correct either.

The third Vodafone office told me that my contract expired today, as it turned out.

Three different Vodafone offices, three different answers. Yeah, good on ya Vodafone, is it any wonder I am trying to get away from you yet again.

Still, it was a lovely day to be walking around our gorgeous CBD. The boys were all out in their in shorts, with their boyfriends and their girlfriends on their arms. It is clearly time for me to invest in a new pair of summer sunglasses for 2014. I only ever have a pair for one summer, I don't know why, but I always manage to mangle them or lose them by the end of every summer. When it is time to buy sunglasses, I know that summer has begun.

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