Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Stupid Barbaric Backward Indonesia

Stupid Indonesia, proving why they will always be a barbaric and backward country. Idiots. President Joko Widodo is doing a Tony Abbott, a weak political leader using law and order to bolster his political standing. It is the sad way of the world. What are now, two good men are going to lose their lives in an attempt to enhance a politician's prestige.

Two reformed men are going to be killed despite their rehabilitation. And isn't rehabilitation the best possible outcome of imprisonment?

I don't buy that they potentially spread misery and death by their actions, that is an opinion that comes from a position of ignorance, from people who aren't realistic about drug use.

I think all Australian's should boycott Indonesia, even Bali. We should all stop going, if that is how Indonesia is going to treat Australians.

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