Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I Had To Go To The Doctor In The CBD

I had to go to the doctor in the CBD.

I had broken out in a rash all over my torso. The only thing I could think of was that I lay on the grass of the dog park with Buddy and Bruno on Saturday in the sun for quite some time.

When I went to the toilet first thing I could see that it had spread to my arms and was starting up my neck and onto my face. First thoughts were meningococcal, was my leg going to fall off? Then it was measles, thank you antivaxxers, those people really are the idiots of the planet now a days.

I called for an appointment for my doctor, I could get into see him Thursday week.

Then any doctor in his practice, Wednesday 8.45am was the first. “Thanks, but I could be dead by then.” And if it is measles I could have taken out half the working population of Collins Street, well, the Rialto, with me, of course that made me giggle, as I bet I’d get an appointment then.

So, I asked the long termers in the office – of course I mean long termers, hard time with leg chains and some of them have done 20 years, you get less for murder now a days. [oh settle down conservative voters, you won the election what more do you want?] – and I got an appointment later in the day in Collins Street.

Nice doctor, yes, I’m betting doctor Brad would be good with his bedside manner, if you get my drifteroo [thank you Bette Midler] Most likely it was something from the grass in the dog park. [Yes, but I told you that]

It is a private clinic so you’ll have to pay, please bring your Medicare card and a debit card for a refund, said the nice receptionist on the phone. “Thank you, Christian, that will be $95.”

$95? I just wanted the one appointment.

Universal health care really is dead in this country, now isn’t it. $95 to see the doctor. Thank you Liberal Party for making that reality come true. Now who doubts the Medi-scare campaign from a couple of elections back?

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