Sunday, December 13, 2020

What Are Sundays For?

We all got in the shower in the morning. It makes no difference to Buddy, Bruno is less keen. Then we walked to the park in the glorious morning sun to dry off. The sky was blue, the grass was green. The trees tall, a breeze blew gently through them.

I lay on the couch in the afternoon and watched YouTube and fell asleep with my laptop resting on my stomach. It was that kind of day, sunny and warm. The air was fresh and light, uplifting like a warm eddy, and the world felt like a wonderful place.

Sam moved my laptop from my stomach and lay on the floor next to me with Buddy and Bruno and fell asleep. It's what Sunday afternoons are for, after all.

We may have all snored, we are all snorers.

We woke up for afternoon tea when we drank tea and ate shortbread biscuits.

And that was the day. Glorious.

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