Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Grey Day

The weather was shit, a fine mist of rain fell for most of the day. I lay on the couch and watched YouTube for most of the day. Bruno and I for the most part shared the couch. I only objected when he used my face as a pillow, as bulldogs tend to do. His big, fat, squishy face would land, plop not a care. And he never seems to understand my objections, it is as if he says, "What?" in a curious tone (you know that old beer ad with men behaving badly) as I remove his damp jowls from my mouth.

And, you know, I am none too unhappy about lying on the couch all day on a grey winter's day. I caught up on all of my car YouTube channels. Lovely.

We did manage to take Bruno for a walk late in the afternoon, when the rain stopped and the sun tentatively came out, a walk on which Bruno really wasn't keen, 5 minutes off the couch standing on the footpath in his harness. Really, you still think this is a good idea, said his expressive face as he took a tentative step.

All the usual things happened. 

"Do you mind if I pat your dog."

"Do you mind if I take a photo of your dog?"

"Do you mind if I take a photo with your dog?"

Do you think it is interesting that Sunday, is nearly spelt like Sundae? Oh look, it has an interesting history when I google it.

We ate pork ribs for dinner, with the open fire blazing. Work tomorrow. Sad face. Actually, as I have been working Boris' full time hours, I can guarantee you that I will sign into work tomorrow and I will have nothing to do. I have done it all.

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