Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Why Is It Always The Same People?

Why is it always the same, er, losers for whom we have to make allowances?

It always seems to be the same people who are the problem, who continually suck up all the energy in the room with their issues.

Already this morning, my time has been taken up by the same problem people who are yet again having problems that I have to spend my time fixing.

Why is it always the same people?

Really, they should be charged a greater attention required tax, like HECS, it could be taken out as extra tax.

You know, actually, my job is pretty easy, generally, pretty slack, even if I do say so myself, but boy, have 'they' been at me this morning.

All the dopes. Was it a full moon last night, or something? Never have there been a lesser collection of brain cells than what I have been subjected to today. It seems to ease off around midmorning, they must have crawled back into their holes.

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