Friday, February 23, 2007

Life's Good

It's amazing what a couple of weeks can do. Jasus! This time last month, I was stressing about my finances heading south, big time! I thought, I was going to run out of money, for the first time in my life. I couldn't sleep there for a few nights.

My new car cost me all my savings - actually, in the end, it didn't really, but it felt like it at the time, especially, when a bunch of big bills rolled in, also.

But then, I pulled in my spending habits - although I'm still smoking - and took a good look at the state of the Christian nation and today, it's not so bad. It's funny how stress begets stress. It's funny when you are going down that path of anxiety, it all seems much worse than it really is. Lottie slipped me a couple of thou, sure, - I'm the dutiful son, after all - as did Mark - if you can't rely on your partner, he said. Besides, I've been helping him with his business for a couple of years without ever asking for any thing in return. Usually, I'm not very good at asking for help, it's an admission of failure, in a sense. It's a pride thing, sure.

I've still got to pay a couple of thou on the car repairs, thank you crap RACV, but hell, that can be put off for the time being, a couple of months, if I'm lucky.

Life's good, I'm whistling a happy tune.

Life's good, is my mantra, as I walk out of the building after work, every night. Just say it. Life's good. It's a good, positive affirmation. I think, if you think miserable thoughts, you will be.

I feel great.


Evol Kween said...

How much more relaxing would life be if money didn't mean so much?!

FletcherBeaver said...

money is a curse, to be sure