Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm Sick

I'm home sick. Grrr! I tried to ignore it. I tried to tell myself I'd be all right once I got to the office. I tried, I tried, I tried. But, when I could feel the beads of perspiration running over my forehead, as I sat on the tram, as I went from hot to cold and back, I knew my best effort wasn't going to be enough.

I was in the office for no more than 1/2 an hour, did the one thing I knew I had to get done, for a harridan, bitch lawyer, in Brisbane and then I was out of there.

I've been doing comparative studies on woman who come back from parental leave on a part time basis and then put in for all the extra hours that they work. You see, part timers can put in for extra hours where full timers can't. These woman are highly paid, in the first place, 160K and they have a cheek putting in for extra time. It is, actually, costing the company more for these woman to work part time than it would if we employed a full timer. They are abusing the system.

Anyway, bitch harridan Brisbane lawyer fits into this category. She's been on my case for a week, over nothing - actually, over circumstances that were of her own making, however... all the time she was making demands on me - "I need this now," she screamed down the phone. "Me, me, me, me, me," she said, like the child she has just squirted out her snatch (if it had turned out to be a Labrador, I wouldn't have been surprised) - all I could think was, you'll get yours, and soon, by all accounts, as I've made her a case study in my report, unbeknownst to her. There are a number of awful bitches I could have used - what is it with senior women in their thirties, who go off and have a child, it fries their brains. I call it baby-rattle syndrome, they lose their minds. There are a handful of them who are truly horrible - think they are entitled to every thing just because they have produced off spring and have been told all their lives that the can have it all, just because they are women - but the Brisbane bitch was the one who made herself the biggest target this week, so there she is in my report, mentioned by name.

I emailed my report to the C.O.O. just after I email Ms Horrible her figures.

Damn, fucken colds! That's all I've got to say. I was going hot and cold, as I waited for the lift, at 9.30am. My ears were blocking up. I'm sure I had the shakes.

Damn colds! They make me mean.

I did manage to divert up Elizabeth Street, on my way home, to get a new power cord for my digital camera. Why I thought of that, today, I don't know. But the battery is now charging as I type. How long has that been? Since my car went up in flames? The old cord was in the boot, which I didn't think of until a few weeks after the wreck was taken away.

Now if I can just remember how to use it? Why, oh why, did I buy such a complicated camera?

Boy, have cameras moved on. I only bought my Powershot S80 a year ago and now, just looking at the display models, as I waited for the nice lady assisting me to get my charge cord, 8 mega pixel and 10 mega pixel cameras for 5 and 6 hundred dollars.

I was going out drinking with Tom, tonight. We were going over to Wesley's, to hold him upside down by the ankles to see what fell out, as Perry is interstate. Even Manny was threatening to come out. I haven't seen Tom for ages.

Ah well, that's all cancelled now.

Where's my blanket?

I went to bed and watched the three Lord of the Rings movies.


RIC said...

Some things don't ever change, do they?...
Wish you a quick recovery, Christian!
All the best! :-)

Zeze said...

Hi Fletcher

I've a new post, with a good foto

See you in my blog