Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Kids Are Running the World

I cleaned out and old cupboard and tossed a whole lot of old pills into the rubbish. They weren't prescription drugs, mostly old lotions and potions long out of date. But, what about the children, you say? I did feel a slight twinge, but, I would say, keep your children out of the rubbish dump, unless you are aspiring to be Fagan.

What responsibility do I have to other people's kids, when I choose not to have kids myself? Why should I be responsible for other people's kids?

And my bathroom cupboard is clean. Yay!

I hate 40 kmp speed limits. Or 50 kmp, or whatever... If there is actually a school crossing, fair enough, but so often there isn't? Parents, teach your wretched children to stay off the road, will you! It's why so many adult pedestrians are irresponsible.

We need to teach more personal responsibility. It isn't always someone else's fault, you know.

I don't often look at porn on the internet, but if I feel the need to do so, I want to be able to. Parents should supervise their children's internet viewing, instead of calling for censorship.

How long will it be before blogs are censored?

Again I say, kids aren't running the world. Just because parents of today have some psycho drama guilt about working too hard and not having enough time for their kids, it doesn't mean the rest of the world is guilted out and made to give kids every thing to compensate.

Is it always true that you get back what you put in?

I may need a kid to look after me when I'm old, but with my attitude, that is hardly likely, huh? May be we should all have kids, it sure a damn sight cheaper than a deposit on an old age home. But then you need to have two, you can't populate the world with only children. Financially, the rest is just free fall, till death.


Volacious said...

(imitating Helen Lovejoy in a shrill voice)

"Will someone PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!???"

FletcherBeaver said...

Maybe, I'm just cranky today?