Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sad Old Christians Trying to Take the World Back to 7AD

Does anyone else see it as amazing, beyond belief, really, that medical science is on the brink of finding cures to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, to name but two, and those of us in the community who believe in the completely unsubstantiated, two thousand year old myth and superstitions of Christianity would attempt to stand in their way at every chance they get.

It's beyond belief that the Christians would want for people who suffer from terrible diseases and afflictions to stay existing in their current pain and anguish simply because the cures don't fit with their chosen Christian beliefs.

It seems to me that the Christians think that if they state that it is an ethical mind field often enough they'll get the wider community to believe that it is an ethical mine field.

For my money, the few cells that make up the embryos in a petrie dishes that are used for this research are expendable. I'm more than happy for scientists to adapt the, so called, miracle of birth to make the spare parts that will one day cure my Alzheimer's disease, my cancer, my paraplegia. Please doctor, you make use of those embryos to find the cures that will benefit all of us. And, quite frankly, if the Christians don't like it, they don't need to access any of the benefits of that research.

I can guarantee you that the staunchest Christian opponent will be fronting up to the medical clinic in the future when they are diagnosed with early on set dementia. It is this point that I actually find the most appalling. The stanchest, loudest, most out spoken Christian critic will 100% for sure, absolutely no doubt about it, want the benefits of the research when it is they who are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, or have been crippled in an accident. That is the part of this whole debate that I find the most infuriating.

Christians, in the end, always turn out to be the world's worst hypocrites. Very few of the 21st century Christians have the ability to turn the other cheek, as their boy Jesus instructed them too, but they all have the two faces of hypocrisy swinging into action when it suits them the most.


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