Thursday, May 08, 2008

Four eyes

I got glasses. I was starting to struggle at work and I was concerned I was going to start to misread employment contracts and documents. I'm the one who is known not to make mistakes - amongst a group who bugger things up all the time, although I guess I've written about that before, huh? It crossed my mind that I'd start messing things up too.
I was going home every night with a pain between my eyes, which is the real reason I decided to give in and get specs.
They're great, I can see things. When I look down, I look like I have really big hands. I'll go show Charlie - nothing on that front - I said. Bec laughed when I told her.
But, how do you keep the bastards clean? Fuck me, I'm always touching them and smearing them with my fingers. Bec says it'd because I take them off and on all the time, as they are only for reading. The cleaning thing is a pain in the arse!


Bert said...

You need to get yourself a cloth from an optometrist. Never, ever use a tissue to clean them as it scratches them to buggery and after a while light refracts, so everything takes on the appearance of the Peel at 5am.
Don't wash 'em either and avoid at all costs my special trick of sitting on the fuckers.

FletcherBeaver said...

Thanks Mikey. I have no idea, who'd have thought it would be so hard. The Peel at 5am? Um?