Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, It's Still Summer

I think I might get myself some speedos just like this, I've always liked the tri-colour ones. Nylon Speedos are sexier that lycra Speedos. Apparently, it's speedos at the Prahran pool, where it is shorts at the Fitzroy pool.

33 degrees, today. I've got my SPF 30, I might head to the pool and work on my a tan.
I might get some Lifesavers to suck on, while I'm there.

Looks like I'm still on holidays, I guess. Nobody should work in January, anyway, it's just not right. (should I take myself off to the fish & chip shop) Maybe, I could take some writing to the pool with me. Yes, I should. That would be a gentle way to ease myself back into work.

I haven't heard from Kane, but Mitchel has made a return. Lovely, sweet, gorgeous Mitchel. He's so nice and so hopeless at sex. Pity. It's like having sex with your brother. Kiss on the cheek and off to sleep. It's like a slumber party, he leaps into bed and pulls the doona up to his neck and closes his eyes. He, actually, fails at 2 out of my 3 deal breakers - bad at sex and, grimace, bad kisser. Sorry Mitchel, but we just aren't going to make it as lovers. Now, I need to convert him to friend status. I wonder if he'll notice?

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