Thursday, January 24, 2013

What's it all about?

I got up at 10am. It is going to be hot today, a scorcher, a huge problem for the fires which may be burning still, or which may just flare up again today. The conservatives still blindly deny climate change. The sun was certainly shining at 10am and the sky was blue.

And it was hot and I staid inside.

And the morning drifted away in all it’s bright, sunshine glory. E news will do that.

Christian 2:11 PM

Tulli clicked "like" on what you wrote on that photo, did you notice?

I guess as long as you are talking about them...

Mark 2:23 PM

or he is actually as dumb as a post...

Christian 2:39 PM

yes... um... yes... er... yes

Mark 6:03 PM

...the fact that he thought I was complimenting him, is a hoit...

I’m bored, but I don’t want to do anything. I’m restless but I can decide on what would make me not so restless. I sat outside in the thick warm air and watched the bees in my dog’s drinking bucket for some time. Mesmorised by the warmth, the air was thick. I don’t know what is with the bees, but they are congregating around the rim of the blue water bucket every day.

I contemplated life for some time, staring off into the sparkling light of the day, without really coming up with any conclusions about anything, really. That I am so lazy, I do nothing, very little, nothing… but I am enjoying it. I know I shouldn’t, I should be doing something, I’m simply in denial, there is no other explanation.

I tried to meditate sitting in the chair, and I don’t know if It is wrong to try it in a chair, but it didn’t work, I couldn’t switch my brain off.

I ate green curry chicken take away for lunch.

Another wasted day, pondering, or avoiding it, about what I am going to do with my life? I probably should just get out all the novels I haven’t read and read them.

I don’t think I can write any more. I’ve got to get it out of my brain and I think of all the time I have wasted?

I should just give the idea up all together and just go back to work. Stop living in a dream that isn’t going to happen.

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