Wednesday, May 04, 2016

These Are Not Extraordinary Times, Mr Morrison

“This cannot just be another budget, because these are extraordinary times,” Mr Morrison said in delivering his maiden budget tonight.

Um, really? I'd like to disagree with you Mr Morrison, these are not extraordinary times. It is just business as usual for most of us. The only thing "extraordinary," about these times is that you are fighting for you political life and that your useless government has the possibility of getting back into power. I agree, another 3 years of your dithering, ideology driven, right wing, Christian, govern for the rich nonsense could be "extraordinary" for this country. (But we will fix that come July 2nd)

The potential for you losing your job may be "extraordinary" for you, but not so much for the rest of us. We're all just going to work and living our lives like at any other time, trying to decipher the lies you politicians continue to tell us.

Just because you say these times are extraordinary, for your own political, spin, purposes, it, actually, makes them no more extraordinary that any other times.

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