Sunday, July 15, 2018

Don't Piss Off A Gay

The girl I work with, Melissa, had been giving me the shits all day.

I had to make up some new folders for storing reports, start of the new financial year and all that.

Melissa is a self professed OCD. Funny how self profession absolves one from all responsibility of the professed affliction.

So, as I said she’d been pissing, me off. I didn’t say anything, I just put all of the labels on the spines on the folders just slightly crooked.

I saw he fingers twitch and her hands wring when she saw them. She looked at the folders and then she looked at me, opened and then closed her mouth, then she looked at the folders again.

I said nothing.

I lay in bed this morning, wondering if the folders will have new labels when I get in on Monday.

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