Tuesday, January 15, 2019

People are Stupid

When I walk home, I come to the pedestrian crossing in Lansdowne Street. I never have to push the button, it is easy to cross, I hardly have to wait a minute. Just wait for the cars, and cross, don’t be scared.

I often watch people walk up to the pedestrian crossing, push the button and then just stand there waiting for the green man, with no cars coming from either direction.

They might as well stand there with their mouths open.

The other day, I watched a guy walk up to the same pedestrian lights and push the button stopping all of the cars.

He then turned around and waited for his wife and child to catch up, who were still making their way out of the Fitzroy Gardens.

By the time his wife and kids got to the pedestrian lights, the lights had changed back to green.

Complete oblivious to the cars driving down Lansdowne Street he pushed the pedestrian lights again, stopping all of the cars once more.

Oh yes, I know I am a bit of a pedestrian crossing Nazi, like I am a lift Nazi, but really? Come on. Give it some thought, don't just drift through life dribbling out the corner of your mouth.

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