Friday, June 14, 2019

Modern Technology Will Make Life Easier

Modern technology will make life easier. It will spread knowledge to the people and the more informed the people are, the easier life will become.

Isn't that what they say?

So, where are we as we quickly approach the year 2020. What do we have? What has all of this knowledge and  technology given us?

The flat earthers

The antivaxxers

The climate change deniers

The right wing racists 

Anti immigrationists separatists... despite record numbers of refugees

Half the world living in poverty

The other half suffering an obesity epidemic 

Litigious individuals, just for the money

Legislating to the base level, so as to cover our collective liability

Business now being built on lies

Politics now built on lies

The media now built on lies

Advertising now built on lies

Trigger warnings… so precious, even at higher learning institutions

A woman is most likely to be killed by the man who loves her

Men are most likely to die at their own hands 

All while the planet is dying...

How did we get so fucked up?

Does anyone else think as a race we are de-evolving?

It reminds me of that old joke, about the sound of Mozart music being played backwards. They hunted around until they found the music was coming from a grave and it was Mozart's grave. They dug it up to find Mozart decomposing.

That is the metaphor I often think about for the world we live in today.

"But Voolfy, it was all so farbulous vunce."

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