Monday, December 30, 2019

Deluded Rantings

Barnaby Joyce ranted on about there being a higher power which we ignore at our peril.

So, god created the world, then he waited 800 million years before he got us to kill his son to save us from the sins that he created in the first place. (A bit like the discounted aesthetic, kind of self serving) Completely, unhinged nonsense which can best described as a kind of state sanction infanticide. Or, as is really the case, the end point of thousands of years of Chinese whispers that started off as the mutterings of illiterate cave dwellers who didn't know the world existed beyond what they could see in front of them.

You know, if Barnaby Joyce wasn't such a dangerous hypocrite, he'd be funny. A character of mirth and scorn. If you wrote that stuff nobody would believe you.

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