Friday, December 27, 2019


Karma doesn't exist, not because bad things don't happen to bad people, but because too many bad things happen to good people.

Karma implies there is an order to this thing, there is not.

And, of course, too many "bad" people - not, generally, my judgement - who get away with "it". Just look at it, as they say, ad  infinitum, in these troubled times, (no, I don't have a news service to sell) the troubled times in which we live, all the people who are doing bad shit...

There is no logic to Karma, it may make some people feel better, and that's okay, but call it that. Illogical.

It really is just a hangover from all the religious nonsense, haven't quite shaken off the coat of Christianity, or whatever hand-me-down fairytale your parents have lumbered you with, which you have to unlearn.

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