Thursday, April 02, 2020

The Rain

I woke at 3am for a piss. It was raining. I thought, how lovely I can lie in bed and listen to the rain, as I got back into bed. 

It was raining a lot. It rained a lot.

But instead of being lulled back to sleep. with the gentle tinkle, tinkle of the rain drops, I found I was doing the equivalent of counting the rain drops as they fell.

Don't know why. 

One, two, three, four, five, although I wasn't counting in numbers it was more one, one, one, one, one, one, one, like every drop tapped on the top of my head.

I tossed and turned and tossed and turned.

Then Bruno was at the side of the bed. He rubbed his furry face against mine. "You awake! It's raining a lot isn't it. Do you think we'll be okay?"

"Go back to bed," I whisper and he went back to bed.

I tossed and turned some more. Then I got up.

I took Bruno outside for a wee. I started up my laptop and checked face book. Then I felt so tired, I put on headphones and I couldn't hear the rain. I lay down on the couch and listened to Prince, I’ve really been getting into Prince lately. The Gold Experience and HitNRun Phase two, his last album.

Sam woke me at 8am. He made porridge with peaches. Comfort food, which hardly made up for the lack of sleep, but it was nice none the less.

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