Friday, July 24, 2020

Yeah Good Onya Coming Around A Blind Corner On The Wrong Side Of The Road

Mid morning, I went for a bike ride. I have been walking these last few days, and I’ve had new bike riding gloves for days to try out, and all. 

I've lost 5 kilos in lockdown, and I want to lose another 5 kilos.

Now, with the lockdown, you are not supposed to exercise outside of your suburb, and I ride through Carlton to North Melbourne. But, I don’t get my heart rate up in the same way just by walking and therefore I won’t lose the weight walking, so I headed off on my bike. And besides, I don’t stop and talk to anyone, I don’t come anywhere near 1.5 metres proximity of anyone. It is an hour of social distancing in plain sight.

I’m not sure if riding a bike is the same as jogging as far as masks are concerned, I think it is. I fashion a mask out of a scarf for my bike ride. It is cold, it is winter, so I figure the scarf will serve two functions, as a mask, and to keep me warm. My glasses fog up when I stop riding, but they defog as soon as I start riding again. It is oddly schizophrenic.

I head off, the scarf mask is working well.

At the blind corner turning left onto Alexandra Avenue around the Fitzroy pool, a woman came around on my side and we nearly crashed into each other. “Jesus Fuck!” I exclaimed.

We both slam on our brakes. She doesn’t have a mask on, I notice.

She’s sweating, she looks embarrassed, and so she should. “I’m sorry I’m on the wrong side. I’m sorry I’m on the wrong side,” she kept repeating. Not really good enough, I thought. You idiot! Not good enough at all. I have witnessed bike accidents, where two bikes crash into each other, and they are nasty.

I give her my best dirty look, but I don’t say anything. You bloody idiot, I think.

It’s cold. I get riding again.

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