Monday, June 13, 2005

Last few hours of the long weekend. Nearly over. Just about. Boo-hoo. And Again I say boo-hoo

8.30am. Hello world. Just me and Missy manning the fort. She’s curled around my feet as I sit at the computer, as she likes to do. Of course, I end up getting sore feet by trying not to move them so as not to disturb her. Seems to be the story of my life, make allowances for everyone else’s comfort. Good old me! What a trouper.

I need to get out and do more stuff. Meet and greet. Get out there, put it around. That’s Saturday night and Sunday night where I could have been out there looking, dancing, trying it on. What is wrong with me? A little homebodiness goes a long way, don’t you think?

Ah well, work tomorrow.

I wasted my time on-line, until I decided that I just had to get something done. So I went out and cleaned the gutters and then had a go at the creeping fig which is turning into a monster on the laneway wall.

Aby arrived to get some of her stuff.

And here I am with only one cut on my right hand. No bad going.

Last few hours of the long weekend. Nearly over. Just about. Boo-hoo. And again I say boo-hoo.

I didn’t go and see mum over the weekend. Bad Christian!


Gotta love that extra day, miss. Of course – or not so of course, now that I think about it – I spent my day having a go at cleaning the yard. Did bits, got pieces done. Good on me. What an exciting life I lead.

No, it was quite nice really, just spending the day pottering around.

I'm now out of pot and am wondering if there is even point in contemplating Guido, considering what state he might be in. Just go without, I guess that's my decision.

Ta, la, la...


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