Thursday, September 07, 2006

Casual Friday

I bought some new T-shirts, after I had my hair cut last week. Last Friday, for casual clothes day, I picked one up and popped it on, without giving it much thought. It was my “cunning stunt” T-shirt.

I tell ya, they are not slow on the old takeuproo at my work. One girl took one look at me, as I walked in and said “CHARMING!”

I looked down at my chest, juggling a long Mac and my brief case and jacket, pulling it together, getting it, finally.

I said in my best dead-pan voice, as I pawed at it. "What's wrong with it? Cunning stunt? What?" My best mate at work, Jen, laughed and raised her eye brows. Nobody said anything.

A couple of people came into my office during the day just to look at it.

My very favourite, Luke, kept breaking into his gorgeous, gorgeous smile, whenever I saw him, saying, “That T-shirt is so wrong.” It was all worth it, just for that. I just wanted to lick him. Slurp.

At the end of the day, I was invited to partake in the executive drinks, wouldn't you know it.

"Come and joint us," said Kate.

What to do, what to do? Should I just duck out. Nah. Should I just go as I was? Nah. I had to put my jacket on to go, it was the only thing. Unfortunately, it was a fur-lined jacket. I could only stay for one drink before the perspiration was running down my forehead, at which point I had to take my leave.

I pulled out another T-shirt for this Friday. “Head, give generously” Ah, maybe not.

It did give me a laugh, the thought of turning up in it, though; the thought of cute Luke’s, cute face when he saw it. Slurp.

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