Sunday, September 03, 2006

Let's Get Hitched, The Old Fashioned Way

I really see gay marriage as pathetic, really, but don't tell anyone I said so.

I see it as such self loathing that we would all do anything to "normalise" ourselves and be accepted by mainstream society.

Like traditional marriage works so well? Like traditional marriage is such a success? Why do we want to emulate that? I just don't get it? You know straight people want us to get married so we can suffer the same way they do.

Gay de facto relations have the same rights as straight defacto relations, so what is the big deal? Other, than non-imaginative queers wanting to do what their mamma and pappa went and done. You may kiss the bride. Chicken or fish?

I can't help but see it as a little sad. We'll do anything, accept anything, forget who we are, just to fit in. Does every queer dream of being a bride dressed in white? Whose tradition is that?

Next thing you know, we'll be toning down the Mardi Gras parade because it wont be doing any fags marriage aspirations any good.

Marriage goes hand in hand with "straight acting", which, of course, is the twenty first century ideal for gay men.

Of course, that's just the way it makes me feel, like emulating some flawed institution is some how going to garner respect. You guys feel what you like.

Have gay divorces started yet?

Everybody is the same, nobody is different. No one is threatened. I call it Shopping Centre Syndrome - The Tie Rack and The Sunglasses Hut are always the second and third shops on the left, everybody knows the layout, nobody has to think.

There is never any danger of anyone ever getting it wrong, never any danger of anyone ever looking like a fool. All homogenised and pasteurised into the same product; people doing the same thing, no one is the odd man out. Everything is the same. Harmony.

Take the queer out of gay and the world is a better place. 

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