Friday, November 24, 2006


Okay, I'm smoking a bit, but I've quit the dope. I'm trying a new strategy - like any of them have worked, thus far. My heads becoming clearer, too many lost days, weekends, on the evil green. Although, the cigarettes are making me feel queasy, but I persist.

I'm off to Tim's birthday tonight, 3 e's and it should be a good night. I guess it will be the usual suspects.

Mark chastised me gently, asking me if I really thought it was a good idea going out for an all-nighter when I've been sick for the previous week. Well mum, you are probably right, but it's Tim's birthday and I have to go. He tut-tutted down the phone, at that response.

Mustn't forget to vote, Saturday. I don't want to be the, Sorry Bracksy, too drug fucked to vote, bloke. I'm going to vote Greens, no Labour with second preferences, blah, blah, blah.

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