Really, I thought? I've never seen a Christian Bale movie - although I vaguely know what he looks like - best I get myself to the video shop and get one.
Aby says I look like Andrew MaCarthy.
Mark says that if I put on round glasses, I look like John Lennon.
I never use my lap-top, it sits patiently by the side of my bed for the few occasions that I write late at night. I always use my PC. Not sure why, I guess it's habit, I guess it must be the fact that I like writing in familiar surroundings.
Stella McCartney's response to hearing Heather Mills had dragged Linda into the bitter divorce mud.
"I'll kill her," she screamed. They're feisty, them artistic types.
Do you think that ultimately the world just wants to watch David and Victoria Beckham fuck? I mean, after he gives up soccer, neither of them are talented at anything else.
Saddam Hussein is to hang. In this day and age, surely there are better ways to execute people - if you must execute them.
Stem cell technology is a very serious thing. We are, after all giving the power of life and death to human beings to control and they haven't proved too reliable in the past when they've had ultimate power. So we have to rely on our experts to decide if we can master the technology and be trusted with the responsibility. People of science and not deluded charlatans of myths and superstition. People who know what they are talking about.
But if you want my opinion. I think an embryo - at the lump of snot stage - is far less a part of a miracle, than the ability to give back the power of movement too a quadriplegic is. Even if that was the only thing the technology was good for. But, it can do the same for a multitude of injuries and diseases.
I have to admit to a bit of a crush on Adam Hills.
One of them was Tim's hot ex-boyfriend Tony, the only person I am banned by name from hitting on. Oh the pain. I'll have to stay off gaydar for a month. I'll have to have the charm-o-metre on full blast when I see Tim again. Oh, Tony wouldn't tell him. Would he? Ex-boyfriends? I have the truth on my side. I have no memeory of ever messaging him and if I was in my right mind, I'd never message him. (who wants that trouble, be realistic?) It was a terrible mistake, I'm sorry.
Do you think that will cut it?
It's all I've got.
The Australian Government spends twice as much money on advertising itself as it spends on climate change.
Australia has the dubious honour of being the greatest per capita producer of greenhouse gases in the world.
1 comment:
Gaydar - and - are fucking evil.
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