"The fact that the homosexual cry is, 'We can't help it, as we were born this way,' as the cause behind their own personal choice is cause for concern." – Margaret Court
In my opinion, at best, these are just nonsensical words that belong to the rhetoric of the last century, at worst they are carefully chosen to discredit and alienate. At best, they are designed as a smoke screen to confuse, at worst they are designed to engender hate.
The inference is that we are something nasty and horrible that should be kept behind closed doors and out of sight.
“Politically correct education,” is at best indicating we are getting treatment that we don’t deserve, at worst it is making a particularly ludicrous but nasty association between homosexuality and the young.
The fact that the homosexual cry is… blah, blah blah, gives the impression that there is something disingenuous to our call for equality, inferring that all of society should be worried about this.
Of course, Christians can only cast doubt with their words, because if they came out with the real reason, “the acceptance of homosexuality renders my Christian beliefs null and void,” society as a whole wouldn’t listen to them.
It is sad that the, who I like to call, flat-earthers – those whose view of the world hasn't progressed or evolved passed two thousand year old myths and superstitions – such as Christian bigot – those who cherry pick only certain ideas or passages out of the bible to discriminate against others – Margaret Court, feel the need to inflict their chosen and, in my opinion, outdated, views of the world onto the rest of society.
Ironically, her Christian views are her choice.
Australia is not a Christian country, rather it is a secular country and the majority of Australians believe gay people should have the right to marry. I think that the last poll that I saw put it at something like 61%.
It is almost funny that bigoted Christians feel free to talk about any topic they choose, even if they can’t possibly have any knowledge on the subject, when, of course, it suits their chosen Christian view of the world. Margaret Court mentions several times in the articles that I have read lately about her intolerance towards inclusive marriage, that being gay is a choice. What possible knowledge could she have that she is basing this view on? Logically, if you think about it, teenagers, young gays, of course, would choose to be different from the rest of their peers, they would, of course, choose the lifestyle that the likes of Margaret Court demonises and admonishes, because teenagers are like that, they would naturally pick the more difficult road.
Sadly, Margaret Court doesn’t even realise, in my opinion, what a fool she is making of herself, as I think nearly all Australians now understand that gay people are born gay just as straight people are born straight.
There aren't recorded cases of gay people being turned into a “straight” people, rather there are many recorded cases of ex-gays, gay people squashing down their natural gay feelings and desires by becoming born again Christians, I assume, for fear of hell and damnation and, sadly, family, who go on to live, what I can only assume, are tortured straight Christian lives.
What we need to do is ignore the Margaret Courts of this world and instead focus on the moderate Christians, who, I am sure, are the silent majority of Christians, who take Christianity to enhance their own lives and who are prepared to let other people live their lives as they see fit, without this illogical, you must join us, mentality.
I know it makes better head lines and sells more newspapers if we get some controversial comments, but we need to stop giving the bigots airtime and start giving it to the moderate Christians, who don’t discriminate. We should give the moderate voices the chance to speak.
It is the same with Muslims – the radical, hardline Muslims, are giving the rest of the Muslims a bad name. It is the same with the Margaret Courts of the world and Christianity. We disregard fundamentalist Muslims, as we should disregard fundamentalist Christians such as Margaret Court.
If you don't believe she holds fundamentalist Christian views let me quote her.
Court was quoted describing advocacy of same-sex marriage as promoting "unhealthy" and "unnatural" unions trying to legitimise abominable sexual practices that include sodomy, which reveals our ignorance as to the ills that come when society is forced to accept law that violates their very own God-given nature of what is right and what is wrong.
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