I like Smoking Brenda. She does have a soft side, you know, she bought me cake and cookies two mornings, for morning tea. And she has said a number of times, that we have worked well together and that we have got everything done that she wanted to do in the allocated time frame, despite her worrying if the time frame she had set was too short, or too ambitious. She was keen for me to know that she thought that I was good, and she also seemed keen to see if I felt the same way about her.
Don't you love the human fragility.
I left at 16.15, as Smoking Brenda said I could leave early. She said at 15.45, “Well, I guess they are not going to let us go early?”
At 16.15, she said I could go. “I guess, they are not going to let the rest of us go early, now.” She laughed.
Gill came over at 17.30, as did the subdivision man to discuss Clayton. I was bored within minutes of it starting, but I did settle in and listen to what he had to say.
Sam arrived in the middle of the meeting, he looked worried why there were people at my place? Egads, what are you doing? I thought we had this covered? said his eyes when he saw the people
It was crystal night, after all. he'd been unable to talk about anything else for the last week.
The heating was fixed, thankfully, it was only the pilot light that had blown out. On the other hand, if they had replaced it all five years ago when first suggested, it would be done and paid for by now. On the other hand, it would now be five years old.
Still that is many thousand dollars that are off my mind.
We went and bought Up & Go’s, Sam’s contribution the dietary needs of the modern day drug taker.
All a part of his plan.
We ate dinner, chorizo sausage, tomato pasta sauce, I cooked. I guess, you can tell?
“What should we eat,” I said. What shouldn’t we eat.” Finger on chin.
“Supermarket. Pasta. Move.”
David called, he was very excited. “I just want to watch you smoke the pipe.”
“Vicariously, hey?”
“That’s all it is for me now a days, I swear.”
David sent various other messages through out the night.
Mark sent messages, a whole lot of them, on skype mobile around 10pm. Shall we say, We were well into it by then.
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