Friday, October 09, 2015

Mind Altering is Good, Surely?

The deal with drugs is that they make you believe that your fantasies are real, make hem feel real, certainly for the time that you are affected. Especially, your sexual fantasies, which is why gay men love drugs so much. It turns them into the filthy whores that they want to be, no inhibitions, which is great, certainly for the time they are affected. None more so than crystal meth. That is why people love crystal meth, that is why gay men love crystal meth, that is why I loved crystal meth. (passed tense, I got bored with it, but for a time, it was great) I called it the ‘dirty mind.” The places my imagination went when affected. That was amazing and i loved it.

(Give a gay boy crystal meth and Viagra and he turns into a zombie with a hardon, so goes the familiar criticism, by some, by many, I'm not exactly sure. I’m assuming, criticism of the gay boys who “he” won’t let touch his hard on)

The drug experience is the drug experience and the non-drug experience is the non-drug experience, the two are different, the two will remain different forever. One doesn’t replace the other, it never can. And you can’t have one without the other, this is the important point too that many people miss. Unless you have the non-drug experience, the drug experience quickly means nothing, you end up permanently fucked up.

So you have to be pretty strong to indulge in this mind altering experience. You have to understand the difference between the drug experience and the sober experience. I think people who took recreational drugs understood this. Well, certainly the traditional takers of recreational drugs, the smart, the hip, the cool people. The club kids who love the music and love to dance. The gays, who party and who support each other in the drug experience/fun to be had. The people who have meaningful lives to who drugs are just one part, are the people called recreational users. They know the difference and are able to tread both realities. The recreational drug users take drugs to have fun. They take drugs for the experience to experience the mind altering state. In a sense, they know the experience is temporary, they know they will return to their normal lives once the experience is over.

The drug user and the drug addict are different. It is a blurry line, sure, but there is a difference between the two. It is like talking about the drinker and the alcoholic. To say that all people who take drugs, even crystal meth, are drug addicts, are like calling everyone who drinks is an alcoholic.

The problem we have now is that we have the naive, the unworldly, the inexperienced people taking drugs, particularly crystal met. You have these people who have, perhaps, nothing in their lives, who are not smart, who are not cool. Do they understand about the difference in the drug and non-drug experience? Maybe? Maybe not? They can so easily become engulfed by drugs, totally consumed, become addicts.

I guess these would have traditionally been the pisshead/potheads. These people may not have much going on and so easily drugs become their lives. That first hit of meth is the best they have ever felt, or ever will feel, escape from their unhappy lives, from their alcoholic mothers, their absent fathers and their creepy uncles who touch them, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to regain that feeling, which they never will, until they end up toothless and scabby-faced and broken.

You have the people who are taking drugs to escape, to runaway from their unhappy lives. These people would be closer to the old heroin addict, they want something with which to replace the pain, to blot out their unhappiness, to make them not feel what they normally feel.

I think, its the inexperienced people are giving drugs a bad name, worse name than is necessary. 
That's harsh, I know, but the essence is true. It is these people's experience the media is hyping up in its hysterical headlines. People have been doing ice for years without too many problems. I certainly know lots of people. But then you get the less worldly, the less capable doing it and suddenly, "something has to be done."

There is a huge difference between the recreational drug user and the drug addict. There is a big difference between the drug experience and the non-drug experience. There is a significant importance to why people, actually, take drugs, if it is not for fun, then...? Is it to escape your shitty life? I know I have been relatively lucky, that my life has gone well and I have advantages other's don't have, and I am able to take drugs starting from a position of relative happiness. I feel sorry for those who don't have that.

I am constantly amazed by the talk around the lunch room table, listening to people discussing Ice who clearly have no idea about Ice other than the hysterical headlines they have read on the front page of the HearldSun.

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