Monday, March 14, 2022

Don’t Mention The War

I haven’t mentioned the war. What awful short men will do to prove they don’t have the tiny penis that they clearly do have.

Did you know Putin is short?

Why is it that so many countries have idiots leading them? Liars and cheats, so many of them. And so many of them are willing to do to their own people whatever it takes to hold on to power.

What’s Boris done to Great Britain? What’s Pooh Bear done to the Chinese? What is going to happen to Taiwan? What’s ScuMo’s lies doing to Australia? What the hell will the bloated orange idiot do to the US if ever he regains power? What is Putin doing to his own people? What’s Bolsonaro done to Brazil? What is Duterte doing to his people?

Ukraine was a prosperous, happy country.

It’s heart breaking.

And, you know, as I watch on, I can’t help but wonder if climate change wiping us all out isn’t such a bad thing. 

You know, nearly every other animal on this planet knows not to shit in its own nest?

Seriously, the human race has learnt nothing. The inhumanity we show to each other. The self interest. The corruption. The hatred. The fighting. Half the world is bloated, half the world is starving.

It is all a bit much.

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