Thursday, March 28, 2024

My Poor Stomach

5 days off. Lovely. All the time in the world, I think.

I take the dogs for a walk, early. The weather has been lovely this last week.

I head down the street late morning, to have a sniff around the shops. Actually, I went to get cigarettes, (it's temporary, after the gunger) I'll stop any day. I should have stopped today. (actually, they make me feel sick too, go figure)

Anyway, I felt like I wanted something sweet, so I bought a 6 pack of macadamia and white chocolate biscuits, which I ate as I wandered the shops. I fully intended to take half of them home to Sam, but you know how things go, and I scoffed all six.

Then, I didn't tell Sam what I'd done. Oh that roll of the eyes.

He got hamburgers and chips for lunch, and I could barely eat them, but forced them down rather than confess to what else I'd eaten.

Then I felt bloated all afternoon, uncomfortable and bloated. And then, if it had been up to me, and honesty, I wouldn't have eaten anything else today.

But Sam presented me with a giant bowl of Laksa for dinner, with prawns and fish. I so didn't feel like it. I ate perhaps a quarter of it. Then when he was eying off my slow process of eating dinner, I told him I was full, and mercifully, he took it away.

Then came a big bowl of black grapes to share for dessert. (I nearly laughed)

And even now, I feel so uncomfortable. No, I mean really bloated uncomfortable.

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