Thursday, July 13, 2006

Everyone is Freaked Out

I was watching Medium, I don't usually. I don't usually watch much TV, only Big Brother. When it's not on, I often don't turn the television on for days.

Medium was about a serial killer with the same powers as Alison. A girl had just looked through a window, after being warned, by Alison, she was in danger, to see the serial killer looking in at her, about to break in to kill her. Then it was the add.

I went to the toilet, in the break. I knew I was a bit uneasy, as normally I don't have many lights on in the house when I am home. Just a few. I often walk around the house in the semi-dark, I don't know why, I've always been like that.

I started switching lights on as I walked through the house to go to the toilet.

Manny watches Medium, so I came into my computer to get my mobile phone to call him, to talk about the show. My mobile phone was flat. I was sure that I had plugged it in when I got home, but there it was unplugged. I was just wondering about it, when I turned and saw eyes on the stairs looking back at me. I nearly jumped through the fucking roof. Ahhhh! Of course, it was Missy, looking down at me, as cats do.

I started to laugh, nervously.

Manny didn't answer. He will think I'm absolutely mental from the message I just left him.

Last night...

I worked late. Everything went wrong, time was running out for a dead line I just had to keep. I was pissed off that the execs had rescheduled a meeting for 9am, to suit them, meaning I had to stay back. I got to Lottie's late, missed dinner. I had to take the dog back, I had no choice, he didn't have any food left. I had nothing to give him.

I'd just got home. Calm at last. The phone rang, I picked it up.

I like you because you don't try to control me. I like you because you don't try to organise me. I like you because you don't try and tell me what to do. I like you because you treat me well. I like you because you like who I am. I like you because you are a good person. I like you because you are normal. I like you because you don't try to change me. I like you because you don't play with my head.

It was Manny.

Apparently, the creepy Glen weirded out on Manny again. (Oh gosh, surprise me) He tried to organise Manny's life, now that they had rekindled their... thing. Now that Manny had made certain... promises.

What promises said Manny? He's seriously fucked up. (again... oh gosh, surprise me) I made no promises to Glen. I thought we'd just developed into friends. I thought all of that was over.

Glen tried to give Manny the new mountain bike, which Manny didn't want, insisted. Then he tried to put restrictions on Manny, with just about everything. When Manny wouldn't comply, Glen spat down the phone at him.

You're having a thing with Stuart? Aren't you, said Glen accusingly. (Lets me off the hook, at least) That's why you won't let me come around. Glen accused Manny of having Stuart there, when Manny said that he couldn't come around.

They all stress me out, said Manny. They all do my head in. All except you.

Apparently, Manny did have a thing with the beautiful Stuart. I mean, he did tell me they fooled around once, watching DVD's. But, he lets more slip when he's upset. Stuart wanted to get back with Manny, after they had had sex a few times. He took it as a sign. He tried to put pressure on, too.

But, apparently, they are both out now, both Glen and Stuart.

So does Manny like the drama?

He becomes reclusive when he is stressed, which is probably why he didn't answer the phone tonight.

Which leaves me jumpy and with no one to talk to, home alone. I've got to stop watching American murder shows. They are not good for me.

I think I'll call Tom. 

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