Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sand Through Hour Glasses.

Stuart kept his pants on and took the car.

I went to work and did a full day.

Glen spent the day with Manny. He took Manny shopping and they spent money, some top of the range mountain bike. Manny thinks Glen saves it up just to impress him.

Tom smoked crystal with Shane and Mark, Shane's boyfriend Mark, not mine. Matt Oretti was there too. Apparently, he and Shane are on together.

Tom got crystal from Perry, just to have in the cupboard, just last Sunday. You know, for the next night out, whenever that might be, so things didn't have to get organised at the last minute. Monday he was at the needle exchange. He lost three days. So he decided to take what was left over to Shane and Marks, last night, to take temptation out of his way.

Can't be trusted, said Tom. Apparently?

I laughed. (How many times does that have to be proved? I thought)

They played Uno and smoked the stuff through a crack pipe, as Tom likes to call it. Matt made a pass at Tom, but Tom crashed at my house anyway. Something about slops that weren't even cold not being his thing.

Tom got home at 5am desperate for valium, but without any. He's hardly slept.

We got shit-faced on Tom's pot watching Big Brother.

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