Friday, February 08, 2008

End of the Week

I think I am suffering a little depression, as I've never felt this way before. The doctor said it was quite common for people who have given up long term dope habits to feel depressed. He said I could go on anti-depressant medication for a short time. I said that the point of giving up smoking pot and cigarettes was to stop putting chemicals in my body, although I did get his point. He said it should lift shortly, the fog should go and the malady should stop.

I just don't feel like doing anything. I feel like I'm dragging my sorry arse through life, at the moment. I have no enthusiasm for anything, nothing seems appealing. It is all I can do not to crawl into bed at the slightest opportunity.

I haven't much felt like writing.

Exercise helps. Riding my bike has helped a lot.

The girls from work are going up to Bolago for the weekend, which should be interesting with my current state of mind. They are all my favourite people, Beck and the other girls, so it should be a joy, but it just seems like an effort. They've gone up tonight, I've delayed my arrival until tomorrow.

I'm off out now to have dinner with my ex-boyfriend. He's over from NZ. See, ex-boyfriends are good for something.

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