The Crown Casino is exempt from the 2am lockout and, apparently, according to a few well placed police sources, it is the place where a lot of the trouble comes from. The casino will become the only place in town that people can go to. Apparently, a lot of kids are coming in from the suburbs because their local pubs have become pokies outlets. There is no lockout in the suburbs, because the suburbs are riddled with gambling venues.
Are the gambling receipts down?
We are legislating ourselves out of existence. Now they are saying that lemon essence needs to be restricted and only sold to people over 18 years, because, now that alcopops have gone up in price, kids are turning to food flavouring to get pissed cheaply, according to last nights late news, which only went to confirm all the reasons why I don't watch the news any longer. It just makes me wild that we are turning into the great nana country.
What with the Bill Henson fiasco - a world renowned photographer is held up to ridicule, because one zealot is using him as a scapegoat to further her cause.
We are legislating how people live their lives and raise their kids, the smoking ban with children in cars - we don't need legislation we need education.
The conservatives have wrestled away the power, that's for sure.
We don't need more prohibition, we need less.
You vill do as you are told! It is goot for you!
If they are going to misbehave on alcohol, let's give them a gambling alternative, shall we say.
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