Friday, July 12, 2019

Buddy Goes To The Vet

I had to take Buddy to the eye doctor for a check up.

Bud is such a great boy, he walks from the car to inside the vet's waiting room, just next to me. He says hello to everyone, the receptionists one by one. He goes over to the dogs waiting and sniffs them hello. (good thing they are all friendly) He says hello to the owners waiting too. Then he sits next to me and waits.

When we are called in, Bud just stands up and walks into the consulting room. I lift him onto the table where he sits happily letting the vet do what she has to do, seemingly with his big smile all the time.

He pretty much gets the all-clear, even if we have to continue monitoring him to guard against a relapse, and he will need to see the vet one more time.

Then we head back out into the waiting room, where Bud says hello to the new comers. He then sits next to me at the reception counter. He says good bye to the three receptionists personally. They tell him he is adorable. Then he trots back out to the car next to me and hops into the back seat ready to go home.

He's a lovely boy, my Buddy.

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