Sunday, July 07, 2019

I Hurt My Back

I hurt my back. I rarely have back problems, it is not something from which I normally suffer, but I do right now. It was the way I was laying on the couch last night, I know that. There was a cushion in the wrong place kind of under me rather than behind me and I could feel my back wasn't straight. I remember thinking it didn't feel right, and then I fell asleep.

This morning it was sore. Oh damn it, I am not used to this, I think. It kind of went away as I got moving for the day.

We took the dogs for a walk. After we'd got home, I stood up from the couch and headed into the kitchen to make coffee, and my back just spasmed into terrible pain. Oh, it was excruciating, I wondered if I'd make it to work tomorrow, my first day back after the EOFY? You know that pain that no matter what position you put yourself in it just doesn't help. Sam made me lie down on the lounge room floor so he could rub anti-inflammatory gel into my skin, which was hard to do in itself. After some time of bearing the pain, which made no sign of abating, I remembered pain killers and I took several and it has been kind of manageable since.

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