Saturday, November 28, 2020

Black Friday

Sam wheeled-and-dealed online for black Friday so much so that we ended up driving to Northland to return purchases he’d made before Black Friday, so he could buy them back at a 20% discount. He wheeled-and-dealed so much so he had his Amazon account suspended for 24 hours, which happened late, and was back up functioning this morning so it really didn’t matter, and in fact acted as circuit breaker to go to bed and stop shopping (madness).

“Ha ha, they are on to you.”

“Rubbish, I am just using their system to get the best deal.”

“All those purchases and cancellation of purchases…”

“I just work out a better deal,” said Sam. “And sometimes it is after I have bought something.”

“You’ve obviously come up on some report.”

“Ha ha.”

“Some screen somewhere is flashing with warning signs.”

“I’ve done nothing, other than use their system.”

“Clearly, they agree.”

Anyway… I got a Kindle, about which I am very pleased. Now, I just have to work out how to get books for it. Well, I mean I know how to get books, but how do you browse the book shop, if you know what I mean?

I think Kindles are great. I have shelves full of books that are now collecting dust and turning yellow, which I hate. I find yellowing pages a real turn off. If I could get my entire book collection onto a Kindle and empty all my shelves, I’d be happy. Yes, sure, I’d lose all the tactile loveliness of having proper paper books, the smell, holding it to the light, but, I think, that loss is made up for with the benefits of the Kindle.

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