Thursday, November 26, 2020

All That Living

What happened to him in the end, should never happen to anyone.

You never want your name attached to that sentence.

We hear it said of people we know, and a small part of us shudders deep down somewhere. We never believe our day will come.

We wonder where those people have gone when they die. Forever is too big a concept for our brains to comprehend. I mean, we know they are rotting in the ground, some where, or their ash is being blown about on the breeze, but never to be seen again?

'You get one shot at this life' never really sinks in for most of us, I guess, until we are facing down our own mortality, only then is it bought into crisp, sharp focus. "But there were things I was going to do, I have so much to see and learn yet. Rats!"

Except for those of us who sleep walk through their lives but, then, I guess it doesn't matter.

How would I go on without Sam? How would he go on without me? I guess, the bright side is that there is no choice.

All that living...

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