Saturday, January 14, 2023

Washing Bruno & Banging Up Cars

We wash Bruno, on the day predicted to be 37 degree day. What else is there to do? No, I ask you?

So, then it was time to just laze about. You know, close up the house and move about as little as possible.

We were on our devices laying low.

In the afternoon, the doorbell rings. There is a guy and girl at my door when I open it. He asks, “Is that your car out the front. 

“Yes,” I say.

“We just saw someone back into it and then drive away,” he says.

This is the second time someone has backed into my car in the last 2 weeks and just driven away. The first time was New Years Eve. I shouldn't leave it out the front. I should park it in my back yard. It is just laziness. But, in all the time I have lived here, I have never had a car damaged, and now twice in a short time.

They come out and look at the damage with me, and while the car isn't badly damaged, it is still damaged.

So, a short time later, I head around to the police station to report the damage. It is hot. I am sweating.

Out comes a gorgeous blond policeman to help me. How handsome are you, I think. No really, it was distracting how good looking he was. (You would definitely want to see him in his undies) He takes my details and then goes to look up the driver. While I am waiting for him to find the other driver's details, a gorgeous dark haired policeman comes in the door with his lunch. (kind of Italian looking) I’d like to see the two of them go at it, is my next thought.

Then two more handsome policemen come into the building seemingly returning from a job somewhere. (I think the dark blue uniforms are really flattering. I know I am an arse man, but seriously watching those coppers walk away from me...)

The gorgeous blond cop is going to send me a report by email. And I’ll send back photos of the car.

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