Saturday, November 04, 2023

Saturday Morning

It's a grey kind of day. The brightness and the colour have been turned down to low outside. The wind blows cold. The bulldogs are snoring, well, one of them is, the big one. The little one is chewing his chew toy. Adorable.

Its early, 8am, Sam has gone to the supermarket.

I've drunk 3 coffees.

I don't know what I am going to do today?

I've run out of energy for re-writing my fiction, that energy will return, I just have to wait for it. Mean while, I guess there is always YouTube.

I can't do Facebook any more, really just too dull, either listening to a multitude of boring ideas, or never ending whinging, either way, it's dull, dull, dull.

I'm going to make some toast. And maybe more coffee. 😬 Lashings of Vegemite and butter, that should get the day going.

Sam comes in with my gay DVD Of An Age which I ordered on eBay that had been delivered to the front door, presumably, who knows when? Did we not check the mailbox yesterday? Seems odd? Maybe, I'll watch that, pull a blanket over myself and give in to the comfort of a grey day.

9.30am. The sun came out to potentially ruin my wintry Saturday plans.

What can you do?

I have no plans.

Sam listens to the theme from Zelda played on an acoustic guitar. He plays it for me, like it should mean something to me.

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