Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This One's Better

SMS. 7.39. Morning Miss all clots here, looks like surgery will be needed. Argh! And you? – Tom

SMS. 7.47. Oh boo hoo. On the way to the salt mines. It’s hot. I’m sweating already – Christian

SMS. 7.47. Very boo hoo Miss – Tom

I think it’s the salt mines that will be the death of you NOT the ciggies and bongs... death by boredom and fools...

Now as for our ticket out of the mines and off the dole ive read the script and there a few moments and some sweeeet ass dialog mah friend and I am currently working it into tha story, but to be honest (as we are!) I think it’s all a little 'two hands' right now (have you seen it? set in Sydney and the cross Bryan Brown, street kids, prostitution and drugs?) and I feel like it needs to be more lush and fairytale like.

We need to find a story line that’s different in its sameness. I think we need to go in search of a heart, have you read what I wrote? I need feedback on it so I can go further too.

I really miss the old dialogue and images, I think you should re read the skank script again as there was gold in there. It was different to other films because of the dialog and scenes that were like the fairy tale. I think we've gone to Australiana with Woz and Gaz and the manky cross, we should create a fictitious world. In saying that the prospect of using Sydney is good because it is sooooo much bigger than Melbourne, but Sydney has been used a thousand times in films, I want to create another land like in Dark City. That and Melbourne hasnt been used really and it does have some cool stuff that we haven’t seen yet in films, the bolte bridge is a cracker as is that sci fi bridge that's on the city link. Also Melbourne is way more gothic and cobble stoned and Parkland arama. Then there’s ye oldie worldly bridges and stuff that cross the Yarra and big oak trees that drop their leaves, perhaps the story could follow the seasons?

I also dont buy that Hansel is so stupid when it comes to geezers and drugs, he's grown up with Candy so he is hardly an innocent, the fact that grethel knows more is odd?

I think that when you slip into the 'characters' mode you come out with some gem qoutes like Magic and the 'ass up' line and i ABSOLUTELY adore the "i wanted to call you Kevin line" as the last thing said! genius.

But i want THE WHOLE FILM to be genius daddy!

Any way have a think and let me know what you think. I will finish working your stuff that you just gave me

into the script and ill email you that as well.

toot a loo

x Aby

Yeah, sure. I’m not attached to any of it at the moment. I guess what I’m trying to do with this script is just get it out to 90 pages, fast. At this point I’m just chucking it in as it comes into my head. They are just vehicles for me to move the story forward and when it’s more complete they can all be replaced. I don’t reckon I really write good stuff until I have a first draft and then the good bits come.

I think I wrote script B as more the feel of what I want it to be in the end. Script A is just getting it onto a full script lay out.

I’m thinking fairytale, in the end. In away, that is the heart of the story, that’s why I think the dream ending could work. It is a fairytale and we need to page homage to that, on some level, otherwise it should just be called Brett and Kylie.

I was just thinking, as I was walking to work this morning, Why are we using Sydney?

I was also thinking this morning that I have made Hansel too gay. I’m going to cut the gay stuff with him – maybe one scene, a moment.

I see Hansel like Saffy at that party, when she tells the joint roller he is doing it all wrong and takes over. Knows stuff but hasn’t tried it, shunned maybe, until he goes on this adventure.

I see Grethel as having seen a lot and having drawn quiet strength from it.

I just see them as a boy and girl of that age, where the girl is more mature. (Do we both see them as 18, or thereabouts?)


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